It's officially time for our FCCLA Valentine Fundraiser You can order at:
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
valentine's day
School will be closed tomorrow Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Dr. King spent his life working for the betterment of others. Please take a moment to consider what you/your family are doing/might do for the betterment of others. Classes resume Tues, Jan. 21
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
School will be closed Mon. Jan. 20th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Dr. King spent his life working for the betterment of others. Please take a moment to consider what you/your family are doing/might do for the betterment of others. Classes resume Tues, Jan. 21st.
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
1/14/25 - Thanks to the tremendous melting caused by the wonderful sunshine today, bus routes will be ran in their entirety this afternoon!
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
Just a reminder to all students and parents that our YONDR pouch policy is still in effect. We loved being phone free last semester and will be continuing that policy this spring. It was very beneficial as evidenced by improved grades and behavior. It may be hard for some to put down the technology after Christmas break. This is just a reminder that if you bring your phone, smart watch or any blue tooth device into the school, it must be locked in a YONDR pouch. If you need a pouch, stop by the high school office.
about 2 months ago, Angie Bogle
Attention seniors, get help filling out the FAFSA.
about 2 months ago, Angie Bogle
The Valley Springs School Board regular meeting has been moved to January 27, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Administration Building (Old Main).
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
1/13/25 Afternoon Bus Routes & 1/14/25 Morning Bus Routes will run the same roads they ran this morning (1/13/25). Bus drivers will use their discretion when running routes. Pick up and drop off times may be earlier or later.
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
Weekly Schedule 1/13-1/18
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
weekly schedule 1/13-1/18
The Youth Center After School Program was able to move to Creekside the week of January 13th thru January 17th. Bus Route 1 (Chris Jones) will run there this week. Please contact the office if you need to make transportation changes for your student(s). 870-302-3045
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
The Harrison Youth Center after school program will be closed January 13th thru January 20th. Bus Route 1, Chris Jones, will not be going to the Harrison Youth Center during that time.
about 2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
Bus Rt 3 Mike Earwood will run paved portion of Wilson Springs Rd & not the dirt portion. Turn around will be @ Wilson Springs & Bolin. Bus Rt 7 Mackie Loggins won't run: Sulpher Mtn, the dirt portion of Whispering Pine or Keele Rd. He will pick up at Sulphur Mtn & Estes Rd.
about 2 months ago, Susan Thompson
It's a school day tomorrow (Mon. 1/13/25)! Bus drivers will be use their discretion running routes & may be early/late. If you feel that your student cannot make it safely to school, contact the office 870-302-3045. Additional information on bus routes to come.
about 2 months ago, Susan Thompson
Don't set the alarms tonight! School is canceled tomorrow 1/10/25! Homework assignment is: Stay Safe and Warm & Have Loads of Fun and Hot Chocolate!
2 months ago, Susan Thompson
Out of caution for the inclement weather coming in, school will dismiss early today (1/9/25). Elementary/Middle School Car Riders @ 2:15 pm; HS drivers @ 2:20 pm; Buses will leave campus at 2:25 pm. All after school programs are canceled & no archery practice today.
2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
Administration is monitoring weather closely. We plan to be in school the entire day. This could change depending on the weather situation. Make sure you have a plan for your child in the event early dismissal is necessary. All basketball games this week have been postponed.
2 months ago, Valley Springs School District
High School report cards were sent home with students yesterday. Please sign and return one copy of the report card by Friday, Jan 17th.
2 months ago, Angie Bogle
report card
Reminder Harrison Youth Center After School Program will be closed if the Harrison School District closes/dismisses early due to weather & a bus won't be going to the Youth Center. Contact the office if other transportation arrangements need to be made for your student(s).
2 months ago, Susan Thompson
1st Semester Report Cards for Middle School were handed out to students today. Parents, please check with students about their grades. You can also view this Report Card on HAC. The white copy needs to be signed and returned by Friday, January 17, 2025. Thank you and Go Tigers!
2 months ago, Tony Mincer
report card
The Alpena Archery Tournament scheduled Sat. Jan. 11th has been postponed until Feb.. Also, the Harrison Youth Center after school program will be closed Jan. 13th-Jan. 20th. Bus Route 1, Chris Jones, will not be going to the Harrison Youth Center during that time.
2 months ago, Valley Springs School District