
Contact Info
Valley Springs School District
7349 School Street
PO Box 640
Valley Springs, AR 72682
News & Alerts

Greenhouse will open Saturday, April 13th to the public. Hours will be:

                     Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
                     Saturdays 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                     Sundays 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1/5/24 - Bus Snow Routes Pick Up & Drop Off Hubs Information:  Today was a great reminder that winter weather is here. The snow was and still is beautiful. There is also a possibility of winter weather next week as well so we want to make sure that we are all prepared.

With that being said, since we no longer have the option of using AMI Days and all of our snow days will be real SNOW DAYS THAT WILL HAVE TO BE MADE UP, we wanted to come up with plan that allowed the ones that could safely get to school in the event of a small snow storm to do so. Therefore, we can still count it as a school day.

Therefore, we have created what we call snow routes that will utilize strategic hubs or pick-up locations around the district. These hubs will be the only place that the buses will be picking up and dropping off students on days that we deem it necessary to run snow routes due to the weather. Please click the following link to access our snow route hubs.

Pick-up at all hubs will be from 7:15-7:30. The buses will leave at exactly 7:30.

For the afternoon drop off, we ask that parents arrive at the hubs by 3:25 at the same hub in which your child was picked up for school.

There will be 1-2 buses at each hub.

Pick-up/drop-off will only occur at the hubs.

Rest assured that student and staff safety is at the forefront of our minds and we will have a snow day/no school if we do not feel like the roads are safe enough for us to travel to school.

In the event that your road is too treacherous to make it to school, please contact the office of the school that your student attends.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try this new strategy in the event of winter weather.

Student Drop Off/ Pick Up MapHere is the car rider pick up/drop off map.  We tried our best to make it readable.  However, you will see the elementary entrance and Rally Hill Road are are two main entrances/exits.  They look congested.  Just remember to be patient at the beginning of school while we get used to the flow. 

Attention:  A change for this year due to safety concerns is that no cars will be allowed on campus until 3:10 in the afternoon.  This includes Little Red School House and the Preschool.  We had a couple of close calls last year and want to keep all of our students safe.  At 3:10 you will be able to pull up at the normal pick up spot by the old gym. 

We ask that you do not get to campus until 3:10.  Students will not be dismissed until this time.  I would suggest not lining up on the highway, it is a safety concern and the Sheriff's Department and State Police may make you move your vehicle. 

Also, as a reminder, in the morning, students cannot be dropped off until 7:30. 

We look forward to seeing you this week.  Again, these changes are for the safety of our students.

Student Health Form: Click here for link

2023-2024 School Calendar

Click here for school lunch prices.

Free and Reduced Meal Application

Please check out our on-line school store.   You can purchase fundraiser items (such as t-shirts, etc...) and pay dues and fees on-line!

Would you like to earn some extra money and help our school district?  Please consider signing up to be a substitute at   If you have any questions or need additional information, contact us at 870-302-3047. 

Sign up to receive messages from Valley Springs Public Schools. You will be among the first to know about important school news and updates.  Click here for instructions to sign up. 

1/5/24 - Bus Snow Routes Pick Up & Drop Off Hubs Information:  Today was a great reminder that winter weather is here. The snow was and still is beautiful. There is also a possibility of winter weather next week as well so we want to make sure that we are all prepared.

With that being said, since we no longer have the option of using AMI Days and all of our snow days will be real SNOW DAYS THAT WILL HAVE TO BE MADE UP, we wanted to come up with plan that allowed the ones that could safely get to school in the event of a small snow storm to do so. Therefore, we can still count it as a school day.

Therefore, we have created what we call snow routes that will utilize strategic hubs or pick-up locations around the district. These hubs will be the only place that the buses will be picking up and dropping off students on days that we deem it necessary to run snow routes due to the weather. Please click the following link to access our snow route hubs.

Pick-up at all hubs will be from 7:15-7:30. The buses will leave at exactly 7:30.

For the afternoon drop off, we ask that parents arrive at the hubs by 3:25 at the same hub in which your child was picked up for school.

There will be 1-2 buses at each hub.

Pick-up/drop-off will only occur at the hubs.

Rest assured that student and staff safety is at the forefront of our minds and we will have a snow day/no school if we do not feel like the roads are safe enough for us to travel to school.

In the event that your road is too treacherous to make it to school, please contact the office of the school that your student attends.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try this new strategy in the event of winter weather.

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